Help your child get through shots at the doctor’s office

For most young children, shots are no fun. However, every parent knows that they're essential parts of keeping their children healthy by preventing potentially serious illness or disease. According to the standard immunization schedule provided by the California Department of Health, there are more than 30 different vaccinations that children need before kindergarten alone.

Some kids are able to take shots calmly and quietly, though the majority feel some trepidation and many may even feel terror at the thought of a needle. Here are a few ways you can help your kids cope with getting a shot at the doctor's office.

Offer a reward
There's a reason why doctors and nurses often hand out lollipops during an immunization. Getting a little something for their pains may provide enough incentive for children to endure the needle. One analysis published in the 2012 issue of Archives of Disease in Childhood found that giving children something sweet, such as sucrose or glucose, before an immunization reduces the amount of crying afterward. It's a win-win!

Numb the injection area
While it's often the sight of the needle that causes terror, in some cases it's the sting of the shot itself. You can minimize this by asking the doctor to provide a numbing solution that will help stave off some of the pain. Of course, a topical solution likely won't leave the skin completely devoid of sensitivity, which means the child will likely feel the prick of the needle as it pierces the skin.

Distract them
For those that do fear the sight of the needle, a trick that often works is distraction. Hold their attention by providing something else for them to look at, such as a hand puppet, bubbles or even their favorite cartoon playing on a television nearby. While they'll still feel the sting, this may help keep them calm.

In some cases, oral medications may be available in place of injections. In other cases, such as the flu shot, nasal sprays are available. If your child truly can't tolerate the needle, ask your pediatrician which medications may be taken orally instead.

FLAVORx makes medicinal flavorings that can help children take their medicine. Ask your pharmacist for more information on FLAVORx today.

5 ways to keep your kids safe and healthy this Halloween

Halloween can be a scary holiday for children, but that shouldn't be the case for parents, too. While kids love to dress up and revel in the theatrically horrific nature of this ancient holiday, parents shouldn't be trembling in horror at the thought of what might befall their little ones on this playfully spooky fright-fest. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help keep your young ones safe this year while they're out trick-or-treating with their friends.

1. Join the fun: Just because your children feel mature enough to trick-or-treat on their own doesn't mean you share their sentiments. Join in the party by donning a costume yourself and walking with (or even several yards behind) your kids and their friends. You can also hold a "parents party" with other moms and dads by congregating on the sidewalk or in a parked vehicle nearby. That way, you can give your children their freedom by maintaining some distance while still keeping an eye on the proceedings.

2. Make a unique costume: Help your children make awesome costumes that are distinct from other kids' who will be trick-or-treating in the same area. Having a unique costume will help your children be more memorable to those they encounter, meaning it will be easier for you to find them again should you become separated. It may even win them a contest or two – or at the very least, score them a few extra pieces of candy.

3. Maintain visibility: October is the month when nights begin to get noticeably darker earlier. Depending on what time your children trick-or-treat, you may need to equip them with some extra gear to ensure that they're visible to passing cars. Flashlights are the obvious choice, but some kids may find them cumbersome to carry or may forget to turn them on. Reflective apparel also works, though your children may be reluctant to wear it. Handing out glow sticks or glow-jewelry, such as necklaces and bracelets, can help kids stay clearly visible without requiring them to carry any additional items. Kids will probably think the jewelry is a cool addition to their costume, too.

4. Give guidelines on candy: Some parents like to inspect each piece of candy before allowing their children to partake in their well-earned goodies. If that's your style, that's fine. However, instances of tampered candy are incredibly rare, which means you may feel better giving your kids a few broad guidelines and allowing them to check their own stashes. Some common guidelines include forgoing homemade treats (however well-intentioned their makers may have been), tossing away pieces that look as though they've been opened and eating only a certain amount of candy at a time to prevent illness.

5. Make sure they have access to their medication: The scares of Halloween should be limited to the spooky dress and decor, and not related to medical issues. If your children depend on prescription medication such as an asthma inhaler or EpiPen, make sure you or your children have it on hand during the festivities. That way, should your children get winded from trick-or-treating or encounter an ingredient to which they have an allergic reaction, you're ready to act. You probably won't need it, but you'll feel better if you're prepared.

FLAVORx makes medicinal flavorings that can help children take their medication. Ask your pharmacist how you can get their favorite FLAVORx flavors today.

Teach your child about sunscreen use for Child Health Month

In order to celebrate Child Health Month this October, it may be a good time to address a growing concern in children's health: the use of sunscreen. According to the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, people receive approximately 23 percent of their lifetime exposure to the sun's ultraviolet radiation by age 18. This makes it important to protect children when they're young, and also to instill healthy sunscreen habits at a young age.

While some parents may feel that October, which is often heralded as the beginning of autumn, isn't a month in which they'd typically use sunscreen, most doctors would advise otherwise. UV rays are present in every month, even during winter, and children's skin needs to be protected to ensure skin health – not only now, but later in life as well. Doctors are now advising that sunburns during childhood can present increased dangers of melanoma and other skin cancers in adults, so creating healthy preventative habits can help reduce this risk.

How to keep children safe with sunscreen
Sunscreen labels can be difficult to read, using marketing language that's potentially confusing and often meaningless, such as "broad spectrum." Until recently, any sunscreen was allowed to proclaim "broad spectrum" effectiveness, however, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently set guidelines in place to determine which formulas are allowed to make this claim. Now, only sunscreens that are proven to protect against both UVA and UVB rays can make this claim.

Parents should look for a broad spectrum sunscreen that's SPF 15 or higher. While the SPF numbers may seem endless, the FDA stated that the effectiveness of these claims peters off around SPF 50. Choose a sunscreen with a strength between SPF 15 and SPF 50 and apply it liberally to your child's skin, and reapply every other hour or so if he or she is playing outdoors. If it's a bright day, dress your child in protective clothing as well, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses.

Celebrate Child Health Month this October by keeping your kids safe and healthy. FLAVORx makes medicinal flavorings that can help keep kids healthy by helping them take oral medications more easily. Ask your pharmacist how you can get your child's prescription in his or her favorite FLAVORx flavor today.

Parents should use caution when treating kids with OTC medicines

Medications for a number of different ailments are available over the counter, and these are often parents first option when treating their children. While OTC medicine can be effective and may help save you a doctor's visit or a trip to the emergency room, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cautioned parents that, when it comes to taking these medicines, children shouldn't be thought of as small adults. In other words, there are certain guidelines you should follow when treating your child with OTC medications.

Labels matter
The first and most important thing parents should do before treating their children with unprescribed medicine is to read the entire packaging. This includes ingredients, instructions and warning labels. It's especially critical that parents read and understand the dosage instructions. A teaspoon and a tablespoon may not seem that different, but when introducing a potentially powerful substance into your child's system, this difference can mean a lot. Dosages should be administered exactly as stated on the product's packaging, using a precise measuring tool such as dosage cups, measuring spoons or droppers.

Know the active ingredients
The University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture recommended that parents should also be aware of the active ingredients within a given medicine and how they may affect their child. Some medications, even if they perform similar functions, may have a different number of active ingredients. Active ingredients are those that have the strongest effect, and the university recommended parents try the medication that includes the lowest number of active ingredients unless otherwise instructed by a pediatrician.

Talk to the experts
The FDA also recommended that parents speak with a pharmacist before administering a new medication to their child, especially if the child has allergies or is currently taking other medications. A pharmacist will be able to tell you if the medicine you've chosen may have adverse reactions, and will be able to make alternate recommendations if this proves to be the case.

Finally, some medications shouldn't be taken over the counter. If your pediatrician recommends prescription medication, following his or her instructions is the safest option. FLAVORx offers medicinal flavoring that can help children take medication, both prescription and over the counter. Ask your pharmacist how you can get your child's medication in his or her favorite flavor to make medicine time a little bit easier.

Help your child through difficult medical situations

Undergoing medical procedures is never fun, and for kids this is doubly the case. Surgeries, no matter how minor, can be intimidating to children and can prove to be a major disruption in their normal routine. If you're looking for a way to ease your child's distress and make regular visits to the hospital or doctor's office a little less scary, try some of these unique ideas.

Play music during difficult procedures or waiting periods
Music can provide a good distraction from a procedure that's taking place, and can help both you and your child relax while sitting in a sterile waiting room. Research from the Alberta Research Center for Health Evidence indicated that there is a science behind this theory, according to The Washington Post.

In a study where music was played for children while their doctors administered IVs, it was noticed that while all kids exhibited distress at the introduction of the IV, those who were listening to music had an easier time of it. Further, researchers noticed that the type of music actually contributed the amount of distress shown by the children. When soothing pieces were played, children were not sufficiently distracted. However, when more boisterous, unpredictable pieces were played, children were likely to show less distress. The takeaway? Play Holst, not Hayden.

Teach your child to meditate
While meditation has been proven to have real and positive effects on both the mind and body, not many parents think of it as a beneficial activity for kids. However, meditation can have the same soothing results on children.

Michael De La Hunt, M.D., chief of child and adolescent psychiatry for Wolfson Children's Hospital and Nemours Children's Clinic, advocated this exercise for helping children get through times of great stress. "[Meditation] is a way to encourage them to unplug, slow down, and center themselves," De La Hunt told WJCT News.

To help your child practice meditation, provide him with a quiet environment where he feels safe unwinding and letting go. Coach him through the first few sessions by playing some quiet, soothing music and giving him voice prompts to help him relax, such as, "Imagine yourself in a beautiful place," and, "Clear your mind of anything that's causing you stress." Eventually, your child will be able to lead his or her own meditation sessions, and you may even find he is eager to do so.

Make it a ritual
Children find routines comforting. When they know exactly what to expect, they're able to feel more in control of a situation and are not as likely to experience heightened distress, which in turn makes them less likely to act out in front of doctors or other medical professionals.

Children are also able to adapt to rituals fairly quickly. If your child is required to make regular visits to the hospital or doctor's office, create a ritual for him or her to help them keep her emotions under control. It could be something as simple as getting a milkshake together beforehand, or as elaborate as picking out his or her favorite outfit to wear the day of the appointment. Rewards for good behavior can also be effective. If your child gets through the entire appointment without incident, you can treat her to an ice cream cone or even cook her favorite meal.

Medical appointments aren't easy for most children, but by doing what you can to ease the situation, both you and your child can get through them more smoothly. Help make the doctor's office less scary using these ideas or some of your own. If your child is required to take medication, make that time a little more pleasant by giving it to them in their favorite flavor. FLAVORx provides medicinal flavorings that can make taking medicine less of an ordeal. Ask your pharmacist about FLAVORx flavors for your child.

How to prevent cold and flu viruses from entering your home this season

The fall weather is approaching, meaning winter isn't too far behind. As the seasons start to turn and the quality of the air changes, many individuals – and children especially – find they are more prone to illnesses such as the cold or flu. This year, the Farmer's Almanac reported we're in for a bitterly cold winter, which also means children and parents alike may be more susceptible to these conditions.

Neither the common cold nor influenza is actually caused by cold weather, however, exposure to the viruses does increase when the air outdoors is chilly. One reason is that the viruses are airborne, and most people spend these times indoors, resulting in more people circulating the same, potentially exposed air. Secondly, the cold acts as a sort of air filter, meaning that people go from breathing crisp, clean air outdoors to stale, recycled air once they step inside. Also, most people are more likely to get within close range of a person who is already infected with the virus when everyone is cloistered together indoors.

Many treatments are available for these conditions, but doctors agree that the best way to overcome these illnesses and avoid any negative effects is to prevent the viruses from taking hold in the first place.

3 steps to prevent the cold and flu
This year, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended parents take three specific steps to protect their families from the cold and flu.

1. Get vaccinated:  The first, of course, is making sure every member of your family who is 6 months or older gets the flu shot. The flu shot protects against the most common strains of the flu virus each year. The source stated that pregnant women, young children and the elderly are most likely to contract influenza, as are people with conditions such as asthma, diabetes and heart or lung disease. While it's recommended that every individual be vaccinated, these groups may need it more than most.

2. Take your medicine: The CDC recommended that those who do come into contact with the virus take whatever antiviral drugs their doctor prescribes. While some individuals may scorn prescription drugs, especially if the case seems too mild, the fact is that they help reduce the spread of the virus and can save other people as well as the individual a lot of suffering.

3. Limit exposure: Make every effort to stop the everyday spread of germs at home, in the workplace and in the classroom. Teach your children to limit their close-contact interactions with others while at play, and to wash their hands with soap and water at regular intervals. People should always take care to cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing, and to use tissues as needed to contain mucus. Finally, keep surfaces clean with disinfecting soap.

Use your diet to fight seasonal illness
The best way to conquer cold and flu season is to strengthen your immunity. There are a number of immunity-boosting foods you can incorporate into family meals in order to stave off these viruses and keep your family in fighting-strong condition during the cold season:

  • citrus fruits
  • dark, leafy vegetables
  • garlic
  • orange juice
  • probiotics (like those in some yogurts).

Regular exercise can also help boost immunity. Make sure the whole family is getting enough exercise in order to help them ward off seasonal illnesses this year. If cold or flu does strike, however, remember the CDC's recommendation: Take the medication your doctor prescribes. FLAVORx makes a number of medical flavorings that can be mixed with cold and flu medicines to ensure it goes down a little easier. You'll feel better and stop the virus from spreading.

5 tips to keep your child healthy at school

It's difficult for parents to ensure that their kids are making healthy choices when they're not around, and kids spend a significant portion of their days at school, away from Mom and Dad's watchful eye. While school administrators play their part by ensuring that children don't partake in unsafe horseplay and other behaviors, it's mostly up to the kids themselves to make sure they're making healthy choices that protect their bodies from illnesses and conditions caused by poor lifestyle choices.

Here are several tips to pass on to your kids so they can make healthier choices even when you're not around.

1. Washing hands is important: Make sure kids understand the importance of proper hand-washing techniques – including when exactly they need to lather up. Most kids know to wash up after using the restroom facilities, but may not realize that it's also important after participating in group activities where shared equipment is used, such as cooking projects or art class. Teaching them to wash their hands after these events can reduce their risk of contracting a cold, the flu and other illnesses – and prevent them from bringing it home.

2. Eating healthy foods makes you feel better: Many kids, when left to their own devices, would choose to chow down on junk food all day long. It's fast, convenient and, to a child's palate, delicious. However, sugar-loaded foods will actually sap energy from your child after that initial spike, and leave him feeling hungrier throughout the day. Your best bet is to send him to school with a healthy packed lunch rather than cash, which will inevitably be spent on fatty, greasy foods like pizza and french fries. If that's not a possibility, however, make sure your child understands that, while these foods are all right once in a while, he should be opting for fruit-and-veggie based foods on a more regular basis.

3. Using tissues helps to contain germs: With cold and flu season swinging into full gear, it's important your kids know how to safely interact with other children – and this should include using tissues whenever a child coughs or sneezes. Additionally, teaching children to cough or sneeze into their elbows rather than their palms can keep hands free from germs, making them less likely to spread.

4. Exercising each day boosts immunity: Kids today don't get enough exercise, which is one reason why more American children are being diagnosed as obese. Apart from keeping weight down, however, regular exercise has a host of other benefits – including elevating mood and strengthening the immune system. Kids who exercise regularly will be healthier overall – and will be better able to focus their energy in other places, such as their schoolwork.

5. Participating in extracurricular activities helps build social skills: While it may seem obvious, participating in after-school activities can help children learn basic social skills and make new friends, which will in turn make them happier. It's important that your child chooses an activity he or she enjoys in order to reap the full benefit – but having an activity separate from both the classroom and the home can facilitate his or her development.

Teach your children these simple lessons in order to equip them with the best decision-making tools. Kids who understand how to make good choices even when Mom or Dad isn't around will be healthier and happier. In the event your child does get sick, however, FLAVORx can provide medicine flavorings to help make taking their medicine more pleasant.

Soothe your child’s fall allergies this season

Fall is peak season for allergies, and kids and parents alike can suffer from this annoying condition. Allergies affect different people in different ways, and may cause eye itching, redness and a case of the sniffles, and even external symptoms such as hives. In general, allergies also just make kids feel miserable, which can make it harder for them to concentrate on important things such as their schoolwork.

How to determine if your child is experiencing seasonal allergies
Allergies can be particularly difficult to detect in children, as their bodies – and therefore their allergies – are still developing. Whereas allergies may not have been an issue last season, this season you may start to see symptoms develop. Knowing what to look for can help you catch symptoms early so that you can provide treatment.

In some cases, allergy symptoms can mimic a mild case of the common cold. Excess coughing, sneezing and excess mucus could be the cold virus – or it could be the initial stages of allergies, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. If they last more than a week or two, it may make sense to see a pediatrician. Other symptoms of seasonal allergies include watery, itchy eyes, runny nose, sniffling and unusual mucus buildup.

Symptoms such as rashes, hives or swelling in the body may be indicative of an environmental or food allergy rather than seasonal allergies. More severe symptoms include gagging, chest tightness and restricted airways. These instances are potentially serious and should be checked out by a doctor, as they may also be associated with asthma.

If you suspect your child may have an allergy, whether it be seasonal or triggered by a specific substance, make an appointment with your pediatrician. He or she will give your child a battery of allergy tests to try and identify what the reaction may be caused by.

Tips for soothing side effects of allergies
If your little one suffers from seasonal allergies, here are a few steps you can take to ease the symptoms and help them get on with their day.

  • Learn what the triggers are and limit exposure: Common fall triggers include specific pollens from different grasses, trees and weeds. An example of a common allergen is ragweed. If you notice that a certain plant is causing your child distress, search your neighborhood to find out where it's located. If possible, remove the plant. If this isn't possible, teach your child how to recognize the plant that's causing the symptoms so that he or she can make an effort to avoid it. Other common allergens include dust, mold and pet dander. Make sure your home is free of these things in order to create a safe home environment.
  • Use a home air purifier: If you can't protect your child from the hazards found outdoors, you can at least create an allergy-free zone indoors. Consider purchasing a home air purifier in order to keep the quality of air in your home safe for an allergy-prone child. HEPA-type filters are best for this purpose.
  • Provide antihistamines during peak season: In some cases, allergy symptoms are more of an annoyance rather than a serious condition. At other times, however, symptoms can interfere with everyday life. If your child's symptoms become so severe that he or she has difficulty concentrating on a task, antihistamine medication may be a solution. It's best not to rely on this medicine too often, however, so that your child doesn't build up a tolerance.

Treating severe allergies
If you've taken every step to limit your child's exposure and soothe symptoms, but still find allergies to be a problem, it's time to get medical help. In addition to determining what your child's triggers are, a pediatrician can help by prescribing stronger medications to keep the condition under control. These may include prescription-strength antihistamines, corticosteroids or even immunotherapy treatments. While taking medication is never fun, medicine flavorings like those made by FLAVORx can help children get the doses they need to stay healthy. Ask your pharmacist about how you can get your child's favorite flavor to make medicine time more bearable.

Help your family avoid the September spike in head lice this year

September often sees a surge in head lice cases that coincides with the back-to-school season. These little pests, the adult variety of which measures approximately 2-3 millimeters long, are more of an annoyance than a serious medical issue, but they can be difficult and time-consuming to remove.

While many assume head lice to be a sign of poor hygiene, the American Associate of Pediatrics indicated that this is not truly the case. According to a revised clinical report published in late July, these beasties are not hazardous and do not spread disease. The report went on to note that no child should miss class time or be excluded from other activities because of the condition. The organization recommended that schools should drop their no-nit policies this year.

How to prevent head lice
Head lice are transferred through person-to-person contact and only affect humans, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dogs, cats and other pets are not susceptible to head lice.

The AAP suggested that the best way to prevent the spread of lice is to be proactive. Parents should check their children's heads for lice before sending them to events such as sleepovers, summer camp and other areas where children share sleeping space. Sporting events where participants come in bodily contact are also areas that make children vulnerable to these pests.

Because lice are only spread through personal contact and not personal hygiene, increasing the amount of showers and hair washing is not an effective means of preventing lice.

Preferred treatments for head lice
If parents do encounter head lice on their children, they should seek treatment from their local pharmacy immediately, as many over-the-counter treatments are available. Parents should do their research and speak with their pharmacist to determine the safest effective product, as not all lice products have been proven non-toxic, and many are suspected to be toxic.

According to the AAP, the recommended medication for lice is 1 percent permethrin lotion. A second treatment should be applied seven to 10 days after the initial treatment in order to kill any remaining eggs or nits. If the problem persists, parents should consult their pharmacist. Oral treatments and other options are available.

Back-to-school preparations should include the flu shot this year, doctors say

Back-to-school season is officially here, and parents are jumping for joy at the thought of once again packing their kids onto the big yellow bus and sending them off to school. However, back to school means your kids will once again be mingling with the masses, and potentially bringing another concern home with them: influenza.

Back-to-school season frequently kicks off the flu season, and with your child coming into contact with so many other children on a daily basis, the chance of their picking it up and spreading it around the home is much greater. That's why this year, doctors are recommending flu shots be a part of your back-to-school routine, according to CBS News.

However, even a vaccine won't guarantee your house will stay flu-free this year. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) reported that during the 2012-2013 flu season, the available vaccine was only 56 percent effective in warding off influenza.

The 2013-2013 season was particularly harsh for flu victims, who had to fight off two separate strains of influenza that year. The first strain, flu A, hit the hardest–only 53 percent of those vaccinated were able to stay flu-free. The second strain, flu B, wasn't quite so aggressive, with only 33 percent of vaccinated individuals reporting cases of influenza. All told, 44 percent of those inoculated still had to visit their doctor's office for flu-related reasons, according to the CDC.

The flu is no fun for anyone, but children are among the most susceptible to the illness. It's important that parents take every possible precaution in helping their child prevent influenza from occurring. Make sure your child is stocked with antibacterial soap to use in public places such as restrooms or the classroom. Teach him to use proper hygiene, such as hand-washing and covering his mouth while coughing or sneezing. Always ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather outside, and consider sending him to school with a spare sweatshirt or scarf in case he's ever caught without. Finally, if your child is exhibiting cold- or flu-like symptoms, keep him home so he doesn't spread it to other children.

If your child does contract the influenza virus, visit your pediatrician and make sure he or she has access to the medicine needed. No one likes to take their medicine, but it's better than suffering through the flu without it. Flavored treatments like those offered by FLAVORx can help make the medicine go down a little easier, so that you can all get through the flu season together. Talk to your pharmacist about FLAVORx options available for your child.